Team Building Icebreaker: Finding Three Things in Common

Three Things in Common Icebreaker: Team Building

Ever hear of the six degrees of separation, the notion that any two living things are six or fewer links apart? If not, then maybe you’re more familiar with the “small world” phenomenon…a moment you’ve likely experienced at some point that establishes a link between you and someone else, that wasn’t necessarily expected. Whatever the case, both ideas illuminate humanity’s connectedness and our common ground. No matter how bold or vast your differences may be with another person, all humans share some common denominators that go beyond gender, race, nationality, and socioeconomic status. Team building is all about this!

So, in this team building icebreaker, we challenge you to dig deep and think outside the “work” box. We challenge you to share aspects of your present, fragments of your past, and, yes, even some projections of your future.

Time to Get Personal

Think about your hobbies, your shortcomings, your favorite and least favorite family vacations…reflect on your high school reading list and all those toys and games you played as a kid, that you still [secretly]
love. Where do you think you’ll be in five years? Have you always lived in the same place? The possibilities for finding common ground are endless!

Recipe for the Team Building Icebreaker

Recipe for the Team Building icebreaker

It’s a Small World After All…

The truth is, you aren’t all that different from your neighbor or the stranger across the room that’s now become an acquaintance. Most groups we’ve run this icebreaker with have found that finding three things in common is much easier than they initially thought. The beauty of this icebreaker is that it quickly builds common ground amongst participants, in a work-free fashion. Finally, the drawing aspect of this exercise allows team members to express their artistic sides, which can come in very handy later on in the workshop. So in about 10 minutes, you can easily transform the group dynamic and workshop environment from good to great!

Learn More About our Tips, Tricks & Hacks

Beginning your next workshop or meeting with a fun and relevant icebreaker is just one aspect of our 6 Keys to a Great Workshop. If you’d like to learn more about how to enhance your workshops and meetings with an extra splash of color, we encourage you to subscribe to the Starfish Taylor blog for more helpful tips, tricks and hacks.

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