Throw Away Your Old Agenda!

Your Old Agenda

Your Old Agenda

Be brave, say goodbye to the bullet points! Meeting agendas aren’t meeting notes, they should be a map of the process to reach your goal. Expose your attendees to the unknown, your attendee’s experience should create lasting—and positive—memories and deeper learning. A Starfish Taylor agenda looks like this…

Your Old Agenda

A Starfish Taylor agenda

A great agenda is the start of a great meeting, the right pathway will make your meetings – efficient – get stuff done! positive and fun – people will look forward to the next meeting, participative – everyone contributes equally, avoid anyone ‘zoning out’! open – people say what they really think, creative – push the thinking beyond the usual and into new territory.

Why not let us give your agenda a free overhaul, click here to see how we can change the tone of your meeting.

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