Category: Slides

Starfish Taylor - Workshops - Meetings



We start by working closely with your organization’s core team members to outline the goals, themes, and objectives of your workshop or event. From there, our experienced facilitators design and develop a customized, detailed agenda that’s guaranteed to be unique, fun, creative, and engaging – this will be unlike other workshop your organization has done before!


Now comes the fun part! Starfish Taylor uses a 360° facilitation style to help your team make real connections and break down barriers. This means we manage every aspect of your workshop or event. We track and record every output from every session. We prepare and distribute all assignments and agendas. Nothing is lost. Nothing is forgotten. You don’t have to worry about taking notes or remembering information from the previous sessions. This enables you and your team to focus 100% on achieving meaningful results together.


Momentum is only valuable if it’s used to propel your organization forward. At the conclusion of your event, we deliver a comprehensive summary highlighting key decisions and action plans. Starfish Taylor stays with you for post-event meetings to help capitalize on momentum and keep things moving forward for your organization.

Our proven Nutcracker 50 | 50 | 30™ delivery model can help get you to your results.

Planning your next workshop or meeting?

Take advantage of this Free Offer

We will show you how to improve your workshop. Send us your agenda and our designers will review and send back some ways to improve engagement, fun, and end-results. If you’ve only got a draft agenda—even better!!